Within Landmax.pro, by using templates in combination with Excel, you can create CSV files of your data.
The best method, is to create a template, and between each field place a symbol $
Create a Property Report
Go to Settings > Templates.
Create new templates:
Insert all the fields required, separating each with $, this symbol acts as a column creator.
See example of Template:
Save report and generate:
When the report is generated - select all and copy to a NotePad .txt file on your desktop.
From here, you can open in Excel and create a delimited tab csv file.
In Excel - go to Data Tab:
Then select From Text
This will open a file selector. Open the txt file you saved earlier. This will trigger the Text Import Wizard.
Original data type - change to Delimited
Then click Next
In step 2 of wizard, select Tab and Other. Within the Other box add $
Then click Finish
This will open confirm import screen - Select Ok
The data will then be imported. You can save as default excel spreadsheet or save as CSV, to upload to other programs.