Example: Agency URL in Proposal List
In this example, we want to display the Agency URL, that is a field outside the proposal list group of fields. To display this we need to instruct the template to look outside the list. We do this with the @root special helper.
This example, we want to produce a URL, that links to the proposal and displays the relevant page structure.
Helper - @root
This is binded with the field, to trigger the merge outside of the main list.
Helper - if / else
Helpers that allow for the field to dynamically change
Field - lettingProposal
A field that states the proposal is a lettings proposal
List Trigger - each
{{each}} is the start of the list and {{/each}} is the end of a list of fields.
Example String:
{{#each}} {{@root.agency.webSite}}/{{#if lettingProposal}}lettings{{else}}sales{{/if}}/details/{{publicId}}/ {{/each}}