Field Helpers - Logic 

  • and 
  • compare 
  • gt 
  • gte 
  • ifAny 
  • if_gt or ifgt 
  • if_gteq or ifgteq 
  • if_eq or ifeq 
  • is 
  • isnt 
  • lt 
  • lte 
  • or 
  • unless_eq or unlessEq 
  • unless_gt or unlessGt 
  • unless_gteq or unlessGtEq 
  • unless_lt or unlessLt 
  • unless_lteq or unlessLtEq


Conditionally render a block if both values are truthy.

Parameters: values string|int - the values to test against.


great = true
magnificent = true


{{#and great magnificent}}
    Next big thing is on the way!
    Never mind :(

Renders to:

Next big thing is on the way!

{{ {{compare}}

Runs selected compare operator against arguments.


  • @param left value
  • @param operator The operator, must be between quotes ">", "=", "<=", etc...
  • @param right value
  • @param options option object sent by handlebars


{{#compare unicorns "<" ponies}}
  I knew it, unicorns are just low-quality ponies!

{{#compare value ">=" 10}}
             *     The value is greater or equal than 10
             *     {{else}}
             *     The value is lower than 10
             *   {{/compare}}

{{#compare (now) ">=" tenancy.startDate}}
   {{#compare (now) "<" tenancy.endDate}}
     SHOW ME

{{ {{gt}}

Conditionally render a block if the value is greater than a given number (If x > y). 
Parameters: value string|int - the value to test against.


number = 5


{{#gt number 8}}
    Next big thing is on the way!
    Never mind :(

Renders to:

Never mind :(

{{#todo}}Same as if_gt, consider consolidating{{/todo}}

{{ {{gte}}

Conditionally render a block if the value is greater or equal than a given number (If x >= y)
Parameters: value string|int - the value to test against.

number = 5


{{#gte number 5}}
  Next big thing is on the way!
  Never mind :(

Renders to:

Next big thing is on the way!

{{#todo}}Same as if_gteq, consider consolidating{{/todo}}

{ {{{if_gt}}

Conditionally render a block if the value is greater than a given number (If x > y). Parameters:none

{{#if_gt x compare=y}} ... {{/if_gt}}

{{ {{if_gteq}}

Conditionally render a block if the value is greater or equal than a given number (If x >= y).Parameters: none

{{#if_gteq x compare=y}} ... {{/if_gteq}}

{{ {{is}}

Conditionally render a block if the condition is true (if x = y).

Parameters: string|int (the value to test against) Default: undefined

E    example #1:


number = 5


{{#is number 5}}
    Next big thing is on the way!
    Never mind :(

Renders to:

Next big thing is on the way!
Es  example #2:

If you are using data from YAML front matter or any specified JSON and/or YAML source files will get passed through to the context in your templates.

Data and Templates:

  title: About Us

{{#is page.title "Home"}}
    <h1> About Us </h1>
    <h1> My Blog </h1>

Renders to:

<h1> About Us </h1>

{{ {{ifeq}}

Alias for is. Considering consolidating

Conditionally render a block if the condition is true (If x = y).

Parameters: none

{{#ifeq x compare=y}} ... {{/ifeq}}

{{ {{isnt}}

Conditionally render a block if the condition is false. Opposite of is. 
Parameters: value string|int - the value to test against.


number = 5


{{#isnt number 5}}
    Next big thing is on the way!
    Never mind :(

Renders to:

Never mind :(

{{ {{lt}}

Conditionally render a block if the value is less than a given number. Opposite of gt. 
Parameters: value string|int - the value to test against.


number = 5


{{#lt number 3}}
    Next big thing is on the way!
    Never mind :(

Renders to:

Never mind :(

{{ {{lte}}

Conditionally render a block if the value is less or equal than a given number. Opposite of gte. 
Parameters: value string|int - the value to test against.


number = 5


{{#lte number 5}}
    Next big thing is on the way!
    Never mind :(

Renders to:

Next big thing is on the way!

{{ {{or}}

Conditionally render a block if one of the values is truthy.

Parameters: values string|int - the values to test against.


great = no
magnificent = true


{{#or great magnificent}}
    Next big thing is on the way!
    Never mind :(

Renders to:

Next big thing is on the way!

{ [{{unless_eq}}

Alias for isnt

Conditionally render a block if the condition is false (Unless x = y). Opposite of is.

Parameters: none

{{#unless_eq x compare=y}} ... {{/unless_eq}}

{{ {{unless_gt}}

Unless greater than (Unless x > y) Parameters: none

{{#unless_gt x compare=y}} ... {{/unless_gt}}

{{ {{unless_gteq}}

"Unless x >= y". Render block, unless given value is greater than or equal to.

Parameters: none

{{#unless_gteq x compare=y}} ... {{/unless_gteq}}

{{ {{unless_lt}}

Render block, unless value is less than a given number (Unless x < y).

Parameters: none

{{#unless_lt x compare=y}} ... {{/unless_lt}}

{{ {{unless_lteq}}

Render block, unless value is less than or equal to a given number (Unless x <= y).

Parameters: none

{{#unless_lteq x compare=y}} ... {{/unless_lteq}}