Template Editor

The template editor is a really powerful feature in landmax.pro, that will allow you to design template documents, emails and sms. 

  • Documents can be created in both HTML for full edit freedom and in rich text editor for simple text interface with ability to add HTML segments. 
  • Emails can be created in rich text editor and benefit from HTML segments. 
  • SMS can be created in a simple text editor. 

All editors contain insert field codes. A drop-down that dynamically shows available fields within that data source. Further partials allow smart HTML segments to be inserted into documents and emails. Allowing you the best of rich text editor and HTML. 

Rich Text Editor

Format Tools

The text editor has the following editing tools:

- Font change
- Font size
- Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike-through
- Font colour
- Font background colour
- Number points
- Bullet points
- Alignment 
- Insert link
- Insert image via URL 

READ MORE: Insert image via url


Insert partial 

Allows you to insert HTML into a template. The HTML can be a simple email signature or data from another source. 

Change Layout

Layouts is what creates the overall style of a template. Creating the Header and Footer, page size and style settings. 


Insert page-break 

Page breaks will occur by default, if text exceeds an A4 page or that you have defined in a layout.  You can also define a break in the text, by selecting Insert page break, will create a new page after this code. 

Edit preview settings

You can test most templates via the preview settings. Pick the source, via preview settings.