Create a due payment

Within the payment account for a contacts profile. Go to Due payments and select + Add Due Payment:

Add due payment window

Type: Receivable due payment & Payable due payment

There are two types of due payments: 

Receivable - Something expected to be received from a client, like a fee. 

Payable - Something expected to be paid to a client, like rent or refund. 


Set the amount to receive or payable. 

Party (Default)

This field will default the contact that the due payment is being raised for.

Context type

  • No Context - A general charge that does not relate to a tenancy
  • Tenancy - A charge that relates to a tenancy
  • Contractor Job - A charge that relates to a maintenance contractor job
  • Property - A charge that relates to a property 


The description is what will show on the due payment, invoice and statement. A good example fully describes what the charge is for. 

VAT applicable 

Add VAT. Note when using VAT the main amount is treated as the NET amount plus VAT Amount. I.e if amount is £100 and VAT is 20%. The total due payment will be £120 inc VAT. 

Nominal Code 

Nominal code is a marker that tracks this payment. 

Charge date 

By default the charge day is set for today. But if you want to record a charge previous to today, un-tick and select the date that you wish to set the charge for. 

Example Add due payment

Key Charge