Advertising Window

The advertising window, contains access to all the related advertising tools 

Advertising Status Bar

From this bar you can access filtered proposal lists via each count. The counts of the statuses of current proposals. I.e Number of proposals to let currently 

By clicking on a count, it will filter the advertising list according to the count. 

Manage Advertising Proposals 

Access filtered view of all lettings proposals or sales proposals or all proposals. This will show all proposals except archived proposals. 

To Let - Letting Proposals 

Sale - Sale Proposals

To Let/ Sale - All Proposals 

Advertising Mediums 

Access integrated advertising mediums, like portal uploads, tv display advertising, your business website. 

Portal Uploads: Set up automatic portal feeds

TV Advertiser: Set up TV Advertiser 

Website Manager

Advertising Settings 


Quickly access prospective client lists.